2023 In Review - A great year for Art!

This year I am grateful for so many things, including having the time and drive to paint. I have had a busy year, personally. Professionally, I have increased my paint time, painting virtually every day in my studio. Here’s some other things I am proud of from this year:

  • I finished up my year as Artist in Residence at The North Carolina Theatre

  • Had pieces for sale at NOFO and also had a small show in their restaurant

  • Painted almost daily

  • Painted more en plein air

  • Painted in Paint in Orange plein air competition (and completed the event!)

  • I won a Sponsor’s Choice Award and sold a painting at Paint it Orange

  • I taught private lessons in my studio

  • Showed at my galleries, the NC Museum of Art Shop, Elk Local Foods and NOFO

  • Participated in the group show, Loose Ends, at Clayton Center with my art friends

  • Participated in my 8th Boylan Heights Artwalk! It was a fantastic show. I sold three original paintings and loved my location on the lawn of the Heights House Hotel.


I have a lot of goals for the next year! I plan to become more experimental in my work and to work more en plein air (more on that in another post!) I hope that you will follow my work and let me know what you are responding to the most!


Autumn Reflections 2024


It’s Been a Minute